There are a variety of materials that can be used to create armor level IV, but armor level iv is often a mixture of the following.
- Ceramics: Ceramic armor level iv is very effective because it is tougher than a bullet. Ceramics are so very tough that they can even deflect “Black Tip” 30-06 M2AP bullets, which are designed to penetrate even the thickest of body armor. These bullets feature a strong steel penetrator that can easily penetrate any metal (common in Level III armor). However, the bullet is distorted and worn down by contact with ceramic, reducing its destructive potential. When compared to steel, monolithic ceramics have the advantage of being more malleable and can be molded into a wider range of shapes and curves to match individual anatomy better. Because of its fragility, ceramics require special care while being handled to avoid cracking, chipping, or worst-case scenario, destroying the strike face.
- Ballistic Armor Boron Carbide (B4C): B4C is the second-hardest material known to man after diamond. Many manufacturers use B4C in the production of armor iv plates. Armor made from boron carbide, the hardest and strongest material known to science, is also the lightest and most expensive.
- Ceramic Silicon Carbide: If you’re looking for a superhero among ballistic materials, look no farther than silicon carbide, which is slightly less formidable than boron carbide. Silicon carbide, in contrast to other ceramics, is softer than B4C but tougher than aluminum oxide. As opposed to B4C, which is more expensive, this material is more affordable and similar in weight to aluminum oxide but heavier than B4C
- Aluminum Oxide: Armor level iv plates manufactured with aluminum oxide may not be as durable and lightweight as B4C or silicon carbide, but if you stick to reputable producers, you can find ones that are both pleasant and protective. When compared to other types of ceramics, aluminum oxide is the mildest (But still Tough! Its chemical composition is close to that of sapphire, the third-hardest natural substance. It is also the cheapest armor level iv plate.
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